With Continual Reference to Justin Kahn.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Justin Ventures Beyond the Borders of Cleveland Heights.

No doubt at least one reader will remember last year when I did some cat sitting for my sister and brother-in-law. Those were some crazy times.

Once again, it is pet sitting time!

Their family has expanded beyond last year's cats and so has my responsibilities. My Brother-in-law, Mark, decided to take in a Dwight Bobble Head.

My bleeding heart readers will be pleased to hear that Mark rescued Bobble Head Dwight. Mark felt like there are just to many homeless Bobble Heads that need a home (b/c of not having a home) to go and buy one from a bobble head farm.

So he rescued Bobble Head Dwight. From Bosnia. With an elite team of special forces. I'll tell you the story some time. Though astute readers will certainly note plot similarities to Chuck Noris' Delta Force Four.

But that story must wait. Dwight is quite a hand full. And it looks like I must run off and break a fight up between Bobble Head Dwight and the neighbor's metronome.


bitingblondewit said...

I think Dwight is using you as an alibi...

Justin said...

The line between good and evil doesn't run between countries or political systems, but through the hearts of bobble heads.

Dwight Bobble Heads is one of the good ones.


Anonymous said...


and i hate real people who have bobbley heads.
