With Continual Reference to Justin Kahn.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Contests Around the World

I am fully aware that there are other contests running. It is doubtful they are better than the one I ran. But here's one.

A friend of mine who runs a construction company is running a contest. The winner gets a dinner at a restaurant fancier than chipotle. I don't know where that could possibly be. Maybe Que Tal?

The contest objective is to come up with a good slogan for a construction/mason company.

A slogan he really, really likes is for a roofing company: 'Thank God For Rain'

I don't get it.

He's definitely looking for something catchy. Despite my skilzz as a writer he has repeatedly turned down my best shot at a slogan. I include it in closing just so you know how high he has set the bar of slogan making.

"Hello. My Name is Tony. I run a construction company. I have lots of equipment. Would you like me to build something for you? If not, that's cool, too. But maybe think of me if you decide to build something. Bye."


Anonymous said...

What about:
"Bricks: Too heavy for that wussy Justin."

Anonymous said...

I've got it.
" Building so attractive it will make you shit bricks."
" A building so strong even your mom couldn't blow it over"
" Its big, strong, and will always stays hard. That's what she said."

Anonymous said...

'thank God for rain' :)) you kidding, right ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for tryin my friend, but nothing I really liked. Not to say there weren't some exceptional ideas. Peace,
Papa T