With Continual Reference to Justin Kahn.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Mail Bag

Hey kids. I'm busy. And frankly a little bit discouraged from the recent surge of negativity. So I thought we'd dip into the mail bag for today's post.
Dear Conceptofirony:

If Mediocre, Fraud, and Crap got together; drank a keg each; started writing a blog; left the t.v. on and focused more on the television thanthe writing of the blog, it would still be better than yours.
Well, thanks Bob for your email. I'm not entirely sure what your qualifications are but I'm sure they are fantastic qualifications. Unfortunately, I'm still trying to think of some kind of prize for people who take the time to write me. So accept my deepest thanks as a small token of appreciation.
Dearest readers. Pleasee stay tuned. Something rather incredible happened today. I hope to write about it soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Prize? How about a hardcover of the newest Harry Potter novel?

Anonymous T