With Continual Reference to Justin Kahn.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Book Review Week Continued:Pride Cometh In the Summer.

Today we are reviewing a whole bunch of books I have on computers. These books contain every manner of deep wisdom about how complex computer systems work.

But beware! Read these books with humility. For if you do not, you will think that your mastery of the domain of computers and robots is complete and total. And then in a fit of genius you will take your ipod apart and have no idea how to put it back together again.


maleah said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, good play on words "Mastery of the Domain of computers". By the way, thats a cute Penguin.

Angry Gnome said...

I am sorry about your iPod.
Maybe you will be able to fix it but most likely you will have to buy a new one. Oooh, get a black one because black is indeed whack.

Jenn said...

I just plugged you on Facebook. I so totally rock. No, I mean you, totally rock.

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