Ingmar Bergman, who has provided me with countless hours of enjoyment and my students with countless hours of suffering, died today. He is perhaps most famous for the personification of Death as a chess playing Goth.

Repeatedly, Woody Allen has been quoted in the obituaries. I guess they called him because several of his movies, parody Bergman.
Plus, my number is unlisted.
But in this time of mourning, they could have thought of me. Sure, I may not have paid homage to him in a series of films, but I did buy a dog to hold up my poster of the seventh seal.

It (the seventh seal, not my dog) remains one of my favorite movies if for no other reason than the line that is spoken in the middle of the film about the 14th century plague.
"Love is the blackest of all plagues"
Goodbye, Mr. Bergman.
Is that Ingmar that Woody is walking with ?
I'm sorry for your loss.
Justin, You're better than Woody Allen. And less wrinkly.
Also, you might get more dates, or at least more crank calls, if your number was listed.
Justin, I understand you're in deep mourning but come back. Some of us miss you.
Justin, get over it! You hardly knew the man. Besides, his work will live forever. Let's be ironical about this. Or something else.
If you don't come back at least you can check out my blog for a picture of me when I was your age. Ingmar would approve.
That does it, I'm sending the cops to your house. Well, as soon as you list your number.
Time for an intervention, gang?
Alicia could send cops to his house...Alicia actually knows where he lives.
And Lindz.
How long does it take to play a game of chess with death?
How long does it take to get to the center of Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop? Huh? Huh?
I'm back. I am certain all of you noticed my absence and lost sleep due to hours of weeping and moaning, "Why?"
I miss Mr. Justin. My brain is a quiet droning empty vacuumless black hole filled blank with no coi posts to occupy its space. POST! POST! POST!
Is Justin trying to see how many comments he can rack up without posting????
Well, I have to admit.
A lot.
I am sure you can step over it with not many issues.
the idea and the concept is amazing. irony is a different thing in all senarios
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