With Continual Reference to Justin Kahn.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

www.justinkahn.com is for Sale.

For just $2,095 I can have my old domain name back. I guess renewing it for $9.95 last year would have made more sense. Hundreds and hundreds of people a day used to get redirected here. But then I got distracted. The prettiest girls weren't interested in somebody who wrote hours a day. Which was fine: 24 went off the air so I had less to say. My manservant started popping out babies, I lost the paddle to my bread maker and my long term, contingent fiancé moved to somewhere. DFW sent me some real mixed messages about how good the brain is at sorting out life. Plus, people stopped reading blogs in 2008. But now, I have sorted everything out. Everything that once confused me is clear. And I started writing under a penname. I have been writing brilliant works of fiction and sending them out under a different name so that I don't have to worry about how my uncompromising honesty would affect the people who I often write about. And best of all my penname, ujstinkahn.com is available for $9.99. I think I'm back on track.


Anonymous said...

I heard something about your contingent fiance might be moving back.

Justin said...

This will be the subject of dozens of future posts.

Lindsey said...

Well... when are you going to post again? By the way...i am not happy with character verification. It made me type "letrape93" Not cool!

Justin said...


Justin said...

PS If you room with me, there are readings in my living room on Wed. nights. So far it is just me and leo. It would be good to expand the crowd.

Lindsey said...

Maggie might join you.