Today, I have a particularly Juicy bit of little known movie trivia for you. Did you know that in fact there was a 4th Stooge? No, I'm not talking about that boozing prancing sloughlaw Shemp.. no.. in fact there was another stooge hired by the studio in 1952 named Angela, or as she went by her stage name then.. Biting Blonde Wit.

That's right! Columbia pictures, perhaps in response to the last women's liberation movement plaguing Post WWII America, responded to growing concerns that there were not enough women in the film industry by incorporating more women into their movie lineup.
Angela was a favorite on the Bollywood circuit playing such venues as Herman's Motor Inn off route 99 and it was there that Larry, on a drunken binge and surrounded by cheap whores, discovered her talent and immediately called Columbia to get her on board.
With her quick wit and flair for international politics, Angela wooed the Three Stooges and they quickly incorporated her into their act. She even came up with her own catchy phrase "You spinach-artichoke dip head!" which sounded similar to Moe's "You Chowderhead!" phrase which was put into the popular lexicon years earlier but had it's own flavorful twist. Ho ho!
Alas, her career with the Three Stooges was short lived. On their very first production, just 13 minutes into filming, during a routine bit of slapstick involving Curly being hit with various heavy objects Angela was quoted as saying "What's this crap! This isn't funny, it's just stupid."
Angela was sacked on the spot. Larry Fine was heartbroken and in later years theorized why Angela failed to understand the most basic of all forms of humorous expression, "All true humor is born from pain and slapstick is the most painful of all. I think if I'd managed to knock that dame up like I'd hoped; the pain of birthing our love child would have really opened up new worlds of funny for her."
Ho HO! And that's been a NBC Movie Minute! I'm Gene Shalit, next up I review the straight to video release "American Pie: You sure got a pretty mouth."
I totally don't understand why people think I wrote this post. I think if you click on the Gene Shallit link, it becomes obvious who the true author is.
I really, really hope Angela thinks this post is funny.
But Comrade K. was threatening to harm Henry.
All I said was Henry kinda looked like a stalk of asparagus and I like my asparagus sauteed in butter and a bit of lemon juice.
Is Henry catnip by any chance? Because I showed my kitty his picture and kitty said he looked yummy.
The post is funny :) I'm sending it to Sprout...
Who photo-shopped it for you? I ask because it's centered, well, in the center. And you're usually off center.
bbw, But is it clear that Comrade K, is responsible for this post and not me. I don't know if it is. I feel like there is a lot of confusion here. j.
dJ. Maybe I should have written this post from the perspective of Leonard Maltin. People know and trust Leonard Maltin. I guess your readers don't find Gene Shalit a credible movie historian. My bad.
Comrade K:
I think the fault is mine. I divided up the debate about humor according to genders. Rather than asking a man and women to respond, I should have had two transgendered people discuss this issue.
That would have lent an air of credibility which not even Leonard Maltin could have obtained.
Anyway, if there are any transgendered people who want to weigh in on the whole gender and humor thing just send your post to my email.
J. I'd be willing to put on a dress and maybe BBW would be willing to wear a suit... the only problem is with her addiction to lipstick I think we may have makeup issues.
Comrade K:
As someone who is very much afraid of BBW, I'd like to say that I think there is a lot more to her femininity than just lipstick.
Oh! Could the suit be a rubber catsuit? 'Cause I already have one of those. At first it was for Halloween, but now it's part of my trousseau...I may want to get married someday, and that suit could seal the deal!
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