With Continual Reference to Justin Kahn.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Power Lunch w/ Margot


CAPTION (Pictured Above): Portrait taken by
Margot,of Me, for Eharmony

Oh, I’m sorry. That’s NOT a picture of me. I guess Margot must have forgotten her camera, and so I continue to go without updated pictures of me, forcing thousands of potentially adoring women to turn their heads away in disgust at an image of me from when I was still teething. This online dating stuff is not easy. (To say nothing of another friend who has been going around telling people, that I use ebay to meet girls. I do. But I'd rather people not know that I use the 'buy now' feature.)

Despite the camera mishap, it was a good time. She had a request: If I would make it big enough to be a part of Oprah’s Book Club.

She asked this with the same no big deal attitude with which a girl might ask to pick up some laundry. This meant a lot to me, since I like the feeling of sharing my illusions. Than, she asked me to pick up her laundry.

Conversation naturally turned to the controversy surrounding James Frey. Frey, wrote a memoir which turned out to be largely fictitious. Which is why Conceptofirony would like to affirm basic points. That Justin takes the concept of truth very seriously (why else the name of the blog?)

Early in his life Justin made some poor choices including throwing his arm through a window, not once but twice; subsequently developing a dependency on Burple, a substance which was completely unregulated during the Reagan administration; that Justin spend much time in jail and as a result was not allowed to collect his $200.00.

Furthermore the following is emphatically denied. As a result of severe eye gonhorrea Justin lost his life, and was subsequently replaced by a perfect killing machine whose never ending claims to being a pacifist seem to be the most obvious case of ‘thou protesteth too much’ since no one is exactly going around calling him ‘Killer’ or even sort of suspecting that he would get in a tiff, to say nothing of a fight, let alone a brawl. None of that ever happened.

Hopefully that clarifies things.

In conclusion it is with great pains that I say I will be unable to fulfill Margot's last request. This pains me because she is such a loyal conceptofirony reader and supposedly talented photographer, but I don't know b/c she is perpetually losing her camera.

You see after lunch we went to Dick's Sporting Goods where she had to get an item for her trademill known as 'Walk n'Lube.' While she found much humour in this, I found the lighter side of this situation beyond my powers of irony.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
